Choose your selected Contract Documents. You MUST select EACH Contract you plan to download in order to be an Official Planholder.
By virtue of this form, I accept that Brinnier & Larios, P.C., is supplying me (my company) with DIGITAL copies of Plans & Specs out for bid (and hard copies by mail, if requested, for a fee). Also by virtue of this form, I have supplied Brinnier & Larios, P.C. with my (my company's) contact information. It will be kept on file for the necessary duration of this contract. Brinnier & Larios, P.C. will supply addenda or any other pertinent information for the specific contract ordered ONLY via the contact information I have provided.
If, after downloading the digital files, the link to those files, or the pdf files themselves are shared, distributed or otherwise sent to any other party, Brinnier & Larios, P.C. is NOT responsible for disseminating additional project information to those parties. Those parties will not be on official planholders lists, etc.
Planholders lists, Addenda and Bid Tabulations can be found, updated regularly at